E o vídeo de hoje é... 210 - A Origem do Petróleo
Este vídeo mostra que a teoria de que o petróleo tem origem orgância é bastante discutivel, e mostra evidências de que o petróleo pode sim ter origem profunda e abiogênica. Nesse modelo já bem conhecido e discutido fora do Brasil, o petróleo nunca se esgotará. Saiba mais sobre essa teoría nos links abaixo: 1) http://bit.ly/2Lw53tc 2) http://bit.ly/2VPCUkM 3) http://bit.ly/2Lw54xg 4) http://bit.ly/2VPCVFm Seguem abaixo algumas referências importantes sobre o tema: Schutter, S.R. (2003), Occurrences of hydrocarbons in and around igneous rocks, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 214, 35-68. Petford, N. & McCaffrey, K. (2003), Hydrocarbons in crystalline rocks: an introduction, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 214, 1-5, http://bit.ly/2LrgUbF. Landes, K.K.; Amoruso, J.J.; Charlesworth, L.J.; Heany, F. & Lesperance, P.J. (1960), Petroleum resources in basement rocks, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin 44, 1682–1691. Lamb, C.F. (1997), Basement reservoirs—an overlooked opportunity, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Economic and Petroleum Mineralogists Joint Convention, Calgary. Gold, T. (1998), The Deep Hot Biosphere (Copernicus, New York). Petford, N.; McCaffrey, K.J.W.; Koning, T. (2003), Oil and gas production from basement reservoirs: examples from Indonesia, USA and Vietnam, In: Hydrocarbons in Crystalline Rocks, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, eds Petford, N. and McCaffrey, K.J.W., 214, 83–92. Powers, S. (1932), Notes on minor occurrences of oil, gas and bitumen with igneous and metamorphic rocks, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, 16, 837–858. Petford, N.; McCaffrey, K.J.W. & Shutter, S.R. (2003), Hydrocarbons in Crystalline Rocks, Hydrocarbon occurrence and exploration in and around igneous rocks, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, eds Petford, N. & McCaffrey, K.J.W., 214, 7–33. Stagpoole, V. & Funnell R. (2001), Arc magmatism and hydrocarbon generation in northern Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Petroleum Geosciences, 7, 255–267.
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