E o vídeo de hoje é... Google - Year In Search 2018

In a year of ups and downs, the world searched for "good" more than ever before — according to Google Trends. From the epic headlines to the everyday moments, here’s to all the good that people discovered in 2018. Explore more trends from the year at http://bit.ly/2S5iIWE #YearinSearch #YearinSearch2018 C R E D I T S: Music: Ruelle - Where We Come Alive Select footage courtesy of: LeBron James Family Foundation/I PROMISE School Alderhey Hospital Dr. Bayard Carlson @uncle_azeez @rubythestandard Use of Olympic footage authorized by the IOC and USOC (36 U.S.C. 220506) NHL footage courtesy of the National Hockey League The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Featured music in video clips: “Alright” Written by: Ben Abraham, Imad Roy El-Amine, Michael Young, and Nathaniel Hohol
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